Thursday, May 28, 2015

Remembering Bette Carl and Other Radio Enthuiasts Who Have Passed Away

Photo of Bette Carl from her Linkedin Account

Very often we make friends on Facebook with people who share a common interest. Usually we have never met them in person, but we know them as if we did.  Over the years I have friended many radio enthusiasts whom I have never met.  Sadly a few of them have passed away.  Today I found out about the passing of Bette Carl.  I didn't know her well as I only had a few exchanges with her through email.  She wanted to come to the Oldies Meet and Greet last November, but was in the hospital at the time.  She was a big supporter of the military as she was the owner of Yellow Ribbon Radio for our troops, veterans, and their families.  I send my condolences to her family and friends.

Some other radio enthusiasts whom I never met who have passed on were:

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