Sunday, September 6, 2015

My Car Reached 60,000 Miles Today

In April 2000 I bought a brand new Chevy Cavalier from Nemet Motors in Jamaica.  My car is like the one above but in a light brown color.  I vaguely remember taking a photo of my car, but I just could not find it.  It has been primarily a weekend car since I don't drive my car to work.  If I did I would likely have a companion blog complaining about tolls and traffic.  I do have an alternative blog discussing mass transit delays.

Anyway today after almost 15 1/2 years I reached the 60,000 mile mark which is less that 4,000 miles per year.  My car is running well so for the time being I plan to keep it.  Keeping the car in a garage certainly helped to preserve it.

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