Monday, October 19, 2015

Random Comments on a Monday Morning

I a rarely home on a Monday morning, but I am teaching a class from 6 - 7 PM so I am leaving at about 9:15 to arrive at work at about 11:00.  At least when I come in late I miss the rush hour so the commute is a little less stressful.

The Mets beat the Cubs 4-1 last night to take a 2-0 lead in the NLCS.  They could go all the way.  I never thought this would happen at the beginning of the season.  I would have been content with 85 victories and a second place finish.


  1. It's gon be a broom at Wrigley...Let's go Mets! Hope all is well with you and yours Bruce...
    Al Gordon

  2. They've had it all- pitching, hitting, fielding...AND Daniel Murphy!
    We'll see what happens in Chicago.
    To not jinx things, I will refrain from mentioning Cubs history, lol!
    Mike Pell
