Tuesday, October 27, 2015

This is a Good Night - A New Bob Dylan Book and the Mets Start the World Series

I received the books seen above from Amazon.com when I came home tonight.  I didn't have to schlep it from a bookstore :).  Anyway it is an encyclopedia of all the songs that Dylan recorded in chronological order.  The compilers give their interpretation of the songs and list all the musicians at the sessions.  I just had a little time to skim through it before dinner and Jeopardy.  I am impressed with what I have seen.  Remember Dylan's songs are vague and open to interpretation.  This is a big coffee table book so I won't be able to take it on the trains to work.

In 10 minutes I will turn off my computer and watch the Mets play in the World Series for the first time in 15 years.  I will have more on that in future journal entries.

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