Wednesday, December 16, 2015

New York Radio is Not the Same Without Bob Shannon

Bob Shannon has appeared several times in Bruce's Journal over the years.  I would like to take the opportunity to wish him a very happy 67th birthday.  He left WCBS-FM in December 2011 for health reasons and since then New York radio has not been the same.

Don Tandler reported on Facebook that he spoke to Bob's wife Connie who said that Bob was most appreciative of the good wishes he received from his listeners.

I started listening to Bob in the mid 1980s when he did the evening shift on WCBS-FM.  I remember playing Tuesday Night Trivia and rarely got through first since I had a rotary dial phone back then.  Bob certainly is a "walking encyclopedia" of oldies artists and music.  For most of his time at WCBS-FM he was on the air from 3 PM - 7 PM.

In June 2005 after the oldies format was replaced by the dreaded Jack format Bob really stood up for his listeners.  When WCBS-FM came back with a classic hits formats Bob was hired back.  For a while Bob and Connie did an oldies show on WLNG from eastern Long Island.

Best wishes for good health, Bob.  New York radio is just not the same without you.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot add anything Bruce except that Bob worked with the late Al Meredith, the news director of WCBS-FM.Al did his news casts on the hour and the half hour.The last story would usually be a "kicker" story that Bob commented on or made a pun about. The interplay between Bob and Al was priceless! Al never worked with Bob again after the JACK format was dropped but I contacted Al before he died and sent him cassette tapes I had made which I called "The best of Bob Shannon and Al Meredith" Al was most appreciative. I believe I still have those tapes somewhere in my apartment, I will try to find them.
