Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I Think I Will Finally Upgrade to Windows 10

I am usually a proponent of "if it's not broken, don't fix it."  I have owned this Dell laptop since August 2014 with Windows 8.1 installed.  Last July Microsoft made Windows 10 available for free for one year.  I have been reluctant to make the upgrade, but one of the computer experts at work said that version 8.1 will not be supported that much longer.  So I think I will make the plunge and upgrade to 10 within the next month.  If millions of users have already upgraded, I guess I should follow the crowd.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bruce, in this case- Windows 10 has been working fine on my big computer...I think it worthwhile you upgrade...Have a great weekend and stay safe with the upcoming storm!

    Al Gordon
