Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mini-Staycation Today

Lat week I looked at my vacation bank and saw that it was high.  I remember back in 1990 when I left NYPL I had 6 weeks vacation and was able to cash it in.  Whenever I retire from NJIT, I can only leave with 2 weeks vacation.  Since the library is slow during the intersession, I decided to take a day off during the week.

It was about 32 degrees at 9 AM so I thought I would take a walk around Douglaston and Little Neck as I have done many times in the past.  Iwent home and decided to view Birdman featuring Michael Keaton on HBO.  Not the greatest movie I have seen, but not the worst either.

I went downstairs again and bought one ticket for the Powerball drawing tomorrow.  I have no gambling spirit and rarely buy lottery tickets, but a single winner gets $1.5 Billion.  The only thing I have to lose is the $2 I spent for the ticket.

Back to work tomorrow.

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