Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Police Deserve More Recognition When They Go Beyond the Call of Duty

This evening at about 6:50 I was watching the ABC Nightly News and saw a very brief report on how a police officer in Albuquerque, New Mexico rescued a child who had been abducted when her mother's car was carjacked.  This report was about 15 seconds and did not mention the police officer's name.  According to this report in the New York Daily News she was missing for about 5 hours and as the temperature was in the 20s.  The officer's name is Chris Poccia.

Officer Poccia who went beyond the call of duty to rescue this child has received little media attention. However whenever a police officer acts inappropriately the story is top news for weeks if not months.  Within a day or so this story will be forgotten.

Kudos to Officer Poccia for a job well done.  Hopefully he will be properly recognized by the people in Albuquerque.

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