Saturday, January 30, 2016

SABR Day in New York City

SABR (Society for American Baseball Research) has chapters throughout the world.  The last Saturday in January is designated SABR days as many of the local chapters have meetings.  The Casey Stengel chapter representing the New York metropolitan area met at the Mid-Manhattan Library.  The morning part of the program saluted the legendary career and life of Yogi Berra.  The panelists included:

  • Dave Kaplan - founding director of the Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center
  • Dave Anderson - Pulitzer Prize winning sports journalist of the New York Times
  • Lindsay Berra - oldest grandchild of Yogi and Carmen Berra
Each of the panelist spoke about their experiences with Yogi.  We were shown a video of President Obama's presenting the Presidental Medal of Freedom to Yogi posthumously.  Lindsay spoke on how you used social media to get her grandfather honored.  We were also shown a video of Yogi's interview on 60 Minutes with the late Bob Simon.

Although Yogi only had an 8th grade education, he is quoted more than Shakespeare.  I heard this Yogism today for the first time:

If Branch Rickey was alive, he'd be turning over in his grave. (He was referring to the salaries ball players get today)

I purchased a book of stories in the New York Times about Yogi over the years edited by Dave Anderson.

The afternoon part of the program commemorated the 30th annversary of the 1986 World Champion New York Mets.  The discussion was lead by Jay Goldber, proprietor of Bergino Baseball  Clubhouse.  He showed a video the the complete at bat in Game 6 of the World Series where Mookie Wilson hit the ground ball which Bill Buckner missed.

I just wish that the local chapter of SABR would meet more than once a year.

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