Monday, January 25, 2016

Unexpected Snow Day For Me but not for the NYC Public Schools

It must be a very difficult decision for school administrators to declare a snow day.  The New York City schools were open today even though so many side streets were not plowed.  Back when I was in elementary school I could always walk to P.S. 139, but many young students must use school buses.  Since there was not a snow day for the public schools, many students and teachers just could not make it in.  Had a snow day been declared, working parents would complain that nobody was home to watch the kids.  So the Mayor and Schools Chancellor are between a rock and a hard place.

The original announcement at NJIT on Friday night was for classes to resume on Monday.  At that point the forecast was still for about 12 inches of snow.  When the actual amount was closer to 2 feet we received an announcement that the administrative offices including the library would open at 12 noon.  At about 9:30 AM we heard that NJIT will be closed for the entire day.  I am certainly appreciative of the university administation's concern for the safety of students and staff.  This semester there are two "reading days" in May when students can study for exams.  Perhaps the Monday classes that were missed today will be made up then.

I have heard from colleagues that the city of Newark does a poor job of cleaning the streets after a snowstorm.  Perhaps that was a factor in declaring today a snow day.  Back to work tomorrow.  I feel restless after staying home for three straight days.

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