Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chris Christie Must Resign or Be Removed from Office

I live in New York, but work in New Jersey and pay taxes in both states.  I have observed that Governor Chris Christie seems very insensitive to the needs of citizens of the Garden State who put him into office.  I read that for 261 days out of 365 days he was out of state likely running for president.  He gave up after getting 2% in Iowa and 7% of the vote in New Hampshire.  Now he is spending much of his time campaigning for his new buddy Donald Trump.  Just weeks ago he trashed Trump while now he is actively supporting him.  If Trump becomes president, heaven forbid, Christie would likely get a cabinet appointment.

It really bothers me that Christie is doing nothing about averting a possible NJ Transit strike which would be devasting to the entire state.  Maybe he'll do something when his limosine is stuck in traffic. Since people he appointed orchestrated Bridgegate, he is indirectly responsible for it.  The man on top must take blame when subordinates fail.

Several newspapers in the state including the Star-Ledger have called for his resignation.  I think it would be almost impossible to gain enough signatures to recall him.  I concur that it time for this jerk to go.

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