Saturday, March 5, 2016

Providence 90 St. Johns 76 at Madison Square Garden

Today's game ended a disappointing season for the Red Storm as they were defeated by the Friars of Providence College 90-76.  I have observed in many college games that the players don't try to penetrate and go outside to try to get 3-point baskets.  The Friars got 13 pointers as they were led by 30 points by Jalen Lindsey.  The Johnnies were 23 points behind at half time, but were too far behind to make a comeback.

Game summary

When I see Providence College I think back to my days at the University of Rhode Island (1972-74) when the two schools were big rivals in basketball.  Back then Marvin (Bad News) Barnes and Ernie DiGregorio were the big stars for the Friars.

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