- January 1, 1966 - John Lindsay had just become Mayor of NYC while the flamboyant Michael Quill led the Transport Workers Union to a very bitter strike. It was in the dead of winter as commuters had to make other arrangements. I was a student at Forest Hill High School at the time.
- April 1 1980 - I was living in Queens at the time and commuted to Schering in Bloomfield, NJ. On the first day of the strike I woke up at 4 AM and waited for the Q60 bus which was running since it was a private bus at that time. I couldn't get on the bus, but somebody in a car picked me up and left me off near the PATH on 33rd Street. I then made it into work. I stayed with a colleague in Ridgewood, NJ until the weekend. I went home and then during the second week I drove to Maplewood, NJ and stayed with another colleague until the strike ended. That was bad.
- December 20, 2005 - this was described in Bruce's Journal. I was working at NJIT at the time and took a few vacation days. Thankfully this strike was short.
Bruce Slutsky was born in New York City in 1949. I retired six years ago after working as a Science/Engineering Librarian at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark for 25 years. I was married to Karen until she passed away in February 2021. I have a son Lee who is now 35 years old. I am very much interested in the popular music of the 1960s, especially Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I am interested in rock and roll radio. I am an enthusiastic fan of the New York Mets.
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