Monday, April 4, 2016

A Tarantula Name Johnny Cash?

Johnny Cash sang about a Boy Named Sue, but just today by accident I found out there is a tarantula named Johnny Cash.  To be exact the name is A. johnnycashi.  In my "previous life" I was a chemist and still am a member of the American Chemical Society and receive as part of my membership a subscription to the Chemical & Engineering News.  An article in the April 4 issue discusses this insect.

Chris A, Hamilton, the lead researcher who discovered this new species, is a big fan of Johnny Cash and since this insect is predominantly black named it after "The Man in Black."  They can be found in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains which are close to the Folsom State Prison made famous by a Johnny Cash song.

Did you know that Bob Dylan wrote a book called Tarantula.

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