Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Can't Find the Time by Orpheus - The Number One Song on It Should Have Been a Bigger Hit

Can' Find the Time by Orpheus was first released in 1968 but charted at #111 in Billboard.  A year later it was re-released and could reach only #80 in the charts.  Apparently the top 40 stations back then did not play it.  I do remember hearing it as an oldie on WCBS-FM years later.  It reached #1 on the list of songs that should have been a bigger hit on Rich Appel's That Thing Show.

I wonder if the members of the group are aware of the song's great popularity as an oldie.  I sure hope they get residuals from it.

1 comment:

  1. The song's author, singer and arranger, Bruce Arnold knows about the I.R.S. 1040 list. DJ Rich Appel even interviewed him in 2014. Bruce recently reunited with Orpheus members Bernard Purdie, Howie Hersh and Elliot Sherman and the group has been touring and recording material for a new album. Check out the band's page on Facebook:


    They're also on Twitter:

