Friday, April 29, 2016

Me and Mrs Jones by Billy Paul - Lyrics Taken Out of Context

This week we heard of the passing of soul singer Billy Paul who can be considered a one hit wonder with Me & Mrs, Jones. It charted in late 1972 and early 1973 when I was a graduate student at the University of Rhode Island. The song described the singer’s frustration about being in an extramarital affair which would inevitably come to an end. A line in that song that I am taking completely out of context is “We gotta be extra careful that we don't build our hopes up too high.”

Let’s turn the clock ahead a few years after I completed studies and was looking for my first professional position. A job search is likely one of life’s must frustrating experiences. After I left an interview Billy’s singing of “We must be extra careful that we don't build our hopes up too high” always went through my mind.

Very often lines in songs, books, and movies can be taken out of context.

I found this Youtube video of Billy's performing this in front of an audience in France in 2014

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