Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Afternoon at the Paley Center

Since the weather forecast called for rain today I decided to visit the Paley Center instead visiting another park in Queens.  Sometimes I go there was some ideas on what TV shows I would like to view, but today I was somewhat impulsive.  Here is what I did:

  1. Since Morley Safer recently passed away I did a search on him and found a show on CBS where he interviewed Charles Kuralt as he retired in the early 1990s.  Those two were really heavyweights in broadcast journalism and great assets to their profession.
  2. Eight is Enough - this was one of my favorite series in the late 70s and early 80s.  They only had one episode in their database which I viewed.
  3. Room 222.  If you turn the clock back another 10 years, this was one of my favorite series in the early 1970s.  Sadly its star Lloyd Haynes passed away in 1986.

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