Saturday, June 25, 2016

My Thoughts on the Mets Signing of Jose Reyes

I have mixed feelings about the Mets signing of Jose Reyes today.  People make mistakes in life and deserve a chance to earn a living in their chosen profession.  Jose made a terrible mistake by beating his wife, but since it only happened once he disserves a second chance.  If it happens again, then I say throw the rascal out.

From a financial point of view it is a "no brainer" since the Colorado Rockies  are liable for most of his salary.  The Mets have sent him to Class A Brooklyn, but what does he have to prove by playing at that level.  I presume that they will eventually move him to AAA Las Vegas before letting him play at the major league level.  But where will he play?  Asrubel Cabrera is doing quite well at shortstop  while Neil Walker is OK at second base.  That leaves third base where Jose has never played.  Can he develop proficiency at the position at the minor league level.  He could become the regular third baseman if David Wright does not come back?  When we saw Jose play against the Mets last season it was obvious that his skills eroded.

I am concerned that the Mets have several infield prospects whose development may be stifled f Reyes comes to the parent team.  They are:

  • Dilson Herrera
  • Matt Reynolds
  • Amed Rosario
  • Ty Kelly
Can an aging Jose Reyes be better than Wilmer Flores at third base?

Let's see what happens.

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