Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Tuesday - From An Impressive Art Museum to a Long Rain Delay

I am not an expert on art, but I enjoy visiting museums.  The Denver Art Museum consists of the Hamilton Building which was added in 2006 and the North Building.  The latter held permanent exhibits while the former contains temporary exhibits.  Some of the exhibits we viewed were:

  • Women of Abstract Impressionism
  • Rhythm and Roots - Dance in American Art
  • Why We Dance - American Indian Art in Motion
Our next stop was the National Ball Park Museum located across the street from Coors Field.  This museum is a real gem with memorabilia from defunct parks including Ebbets Field, the Polo Grounds, Crosley Field, Forbes Field, and Shibe Park.  I was impressed by seeing a ticket from the first Seattle Pilot's game at Sick Stadium. We saw a video with highlights from the 1953 World Series between the Yankees and Dodgers. The lady who gave us the tour was very knowledgable.  I highly recommend this place for any fan of baseball history.

From there we went to Coors Field to see our second game of our trip.  When the game was to begin at 6:40 the rains came for the second night in a row.  On Monday the delay was only 30 minutes but on Tuesday the game did not begin until 8:40.  After 5 innings the Tampa Bay Rays were leading 7-0 so we decided to leave as it was almost 10:30.  Since it was a one-sided game I didn't feel guilty about leaving early.  The final score was Tampa Bay 10 Rockies 1.

Game Recap

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