Monday, September 19, 2016

Random Comments of the Day

This morning I took Lee to the endodontist (root canal specialist).  My plan was to leave for work when he was finished there.  I saw that there were terrible delays on New Jersey Transit as a result of the bomb going off near the Elizabeth station.  Rather than cope with commuter aggravation on a rainy day, I decided not to come in.  I have plenty of sick and vacation time and didn't have any meeting scheduled for today.

Later in the day I heard the police in Linden, NJ apprehended the perpetrator of recent terrorist bombings.  Thankfully nobody was killed, but what are these people trying to prove?

I took Lee to McDonalds for lunch where he heard Sunshine Superman.  He has picked out a Donovan CD to play during dinner tonight.

While I was home today I downloaded IOS 10 for my iPhone 6.  There are some subtle differences between versions of the operating system..

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