Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Two Radio Menches Rich Appel and Don Tandler Join Forces on Pop Gold Radio

Don Tandler of New Jersey 101.5 and Pop Gold Radio along with oldies enthusiast Rich Appel  have appeared many times in Bruce's Journal. That Thing with Rich Appel has been appointment radio for me since he started the show.  Likewise as time permits I listen to the countdown show Saturday afternoon on Pop Gold Radio.  Now the two have joined forces.

Until last week That Thing was heard on an oldies internet radio station run by a certain person who will go unnamed.  In a dictatorial way this person decided that Rich's show was no longer suited for his station and dropped it.  Don Tandler came to the rescue and now That Thing will be heard Saturday and Sunday evenings on Pop Gold Radio.  Thank you Don Tandler for doing a mitzvah by picking up the show.

The show can also be heard on about 50 internet and terrestrial radio stations.

Best wishes to Don and Rich for continued success.

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