Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Visited the Paley Center for Media Today

Karen and I visited the Paley Center for Media today to "follow-up" on the movie Jackie which we saw on Saturday and Rolling Stones Exhibitionism that we visited Monday.  First of all I must say that Natalie Portman was excellent in her portrayl of Jackie Kennedy.  The film showed Jackie giving a tour of the White House that was on CBS TV back in the early 1960s.  The Paley Center had in its database the actual show in January 1962 where Jackie escorted Charles Collingsworth through the White House.  We also viewed some footage of NBC News on November 22, 1963 when the shooting of JFK was first reported.  It took about 30 minutes until his death was confirmed.  Back then there were no satellite transmissions, so there was a delay in getting out the news.

I searched the database under the Rolling Stones and found a special about them on MTV in 1990.  We also viewed an episode of Shindig from 1965 featuring the Rolling Stones, Byrds, Everly Brothers, Billy Preston, and others.

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