Monday, January 2, 2017

Visit to the Museum of the City of New York

Since it was a rainy and dreary day, it was a good time to visit the Museum of the City of New York at 5th Avenue and 103rd Street.  The best exhibit was New York at Its Core which traces the history of the city from the 1600s to the present.  There were photographs, paintings, and videos that showed how New York grew from a remote trade outpost to the most diverse and influential city in the USA.  I didn't realize that the population actually dipped in the 1970s during the financial crises, but rebounded in the succeeding decads.  The history was summarized in a 30 minute film called Timescapes narrate by Stanley Tucci.

The other exhibits that we viewed were:

  • Gay Gotham: Art & Underground Culture in New York
  • Mastering the Metropolis: New York and Zoning 1916-2016
  • Activist New York

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