Sunday, March 12, 2017

Random Comments of the Day

They are calling for 12-18 inches of snow on Tuesday.  This has been some strange winter as a few days ago the temperatures hit 60 degrees.  At least the usually melts quickly in March.  NJIT is on Spring Break this week, so it seems likely they will close the administrative offices if there is a significant snowfall.  If not, I can take a vacation day.

It is a shame that Preet Bharara was fired by King Trump as the U.S. Attorney for the southern district of New York.  He was a man of utmost integrity and was doing his job quite well when politics reared its ugly head.  I just hope that his probe of DiBlasio's campaign finances will continue under his predecessor.

Governor Andrew Cuomo has hired two Florida fundraisers as he eyes a possible bid for the 2020 presidential nomination.  I really hope he goes for it.  I think he will have a good chance of beating Trump or Mike Pence.

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