Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Another Staycation Week

It's that time of the year when I take a week off from work and stay home and relax.  The last few months were very difficult with train delays so I need to get away from New Jersey Transit and the #7 train.  Yesterday I drove in the rain to LIU Post to meet with a colleague to discuss a research project.  On the way there she sent me a text message saying that she had to leave.  So when I arrived at the Post library, I just picked out a book and read for an hour or so and drove home.  Later in the day I had a phone conversation with her about our project.

Today, I will walk to the Social Security Office in Flushing to ask questions about benefits.  If I want to retire at the end of 2017, when do I apply for benefits?  It will be nice to get money back after putting so much into the system over 40+ years of working.

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