Friday, May 26, 2017

Today Will Be Sgt Pepper Day - 6 days early

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was originally released on vinyl on June 1, 1967, as I was approaching my graduation from Forest Hills High School.  Sometime that month I scrapped up enough of my allowance money to buy it from Alexander's record department in Rego Park.  On June 1, 1987, I was working at the New York Public Library on 42nd street and walked down 5th Avenue to a music store on 36th Street and bought the CD.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the release of this seminal album, so of course, the record companies have to try to make more money on it.  There are 3 versions of the anniversary edition that are available.  I compromised and bought the 2 CD edition remixed versions on Disc 1 and alternate takes on Disc 2.  I am expecting my package from to be delivered today.  

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