Thursday, June 29, 2017

First Full Day of SABR Meeting and Other Baseball News

I had a short commute this morning as all I had to do was take the #7 train to Grand Central Station to go to the meeting at the Grand Hyatt.  I attended several meetings and even volunteered for a few hours at the registration desk.  I met some people that I have been in touch with through e-mail including Tom Brown, Jacob Pomrenke, Len Levin and Alan Cohen.  I was the co-chair at the meeting of the Games Project committee.  There were much more people there than I expected.  Some people wrote articles for it while others were readers who enjoyed the articles.

When I looked at my phone in the early afternoon, I found out that Bartolo Colon was designated for assignment by the Atlanta Braves.  His record was 2-8 with a very high ERA.  Perhaps he should have retired at the end of last season.  It turns out for the better that the Mets didn't offer him a big contract.

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