Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Management of the Mets Should Offer Rebates to Fans After Dumping Salaries

The Mets have made several player moves since late July as they have given up on this season.  They have traded:

  • Addison Reed
  • Lucas Duda
  • Neil Walker
  • Jay Bruce
  • Curtis Granderson
All they have received in return are a few minor league players and a few other "players to be named later."  The result is a salary dump resulting in big savings to the Wilpons and others.

I think it would be a nice gesture if the management would give some financial relief to the loyal fans who have supported the team and are disappointed with the results this season.  They could do one of two things:
  1. Fans could send in used tickets from games after July 31 and get $2 (an arbitrary figure) back for every ticket they send in.
  2. Offer significant discounts on the food in the stadium that it already overpriced.
I really doubt if this would happen.

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