Saturday, August 12, 2017

Twyla Tharp Tries Dylan Again

In the Fall of 2006, Twyla Tharp choreographed "The Times They Are A'Changin" a show based on Bob Dylan songs.  As I reported in this Journal the show failed miserably as it closed after 28 performances.  It seems that there was an incongruity between the dance and the music.  Likely, dance fans were not into Dylan.

I found out by reading the British fanzine Isis that a show called "Dylan Love Songs" will premiere at the Joyce Theater in Manhattan for a limited run.  Hopefully, this show will have a story line that links the Dylan songs.  Many so called "jukebox musicals" have failed because there is no connection between the songs and the show.  I went ahead and bought tickets for Sunday afternoon, October 1.  Let's see what transpires.  If it is successful they can extend the road or move it to Broadway.

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