Sunday, October 1, 2017

Twyla Tharp, Bob Dylan Songs and More at the Joyce Theater

We went over to the Joyce Theater on 8th Avenue and 19th street to see her group perform.  I am not qualified to critique dance so I'll refer my readers to the review in the New York Times.  The first performance was called the Raggedy Dances which featured a pianist playing ragtime music.  The second act was The Fugue with no music at all.  Both of those programs were first done in the early 1970s.  There was a new piece called Entr'acte where Twyla Tharp appeared in a sweat short and danced with her troupe while talking to her dancers.  She danced very well for a 76-year-old.

Now to Dylan Love Songs where the troupe danced to actual Dylan recordings.    The songs were

  • You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
  • Lovesick
  • I Want You 
  • Simple Twist of Fate
  • Things Have Changed 
  • Shelter from the Storm
  • Jokerman
When the dancers performed to Lovesick I really thought that someone would appear as "Soy Bomb" as seen below from the 1998 Grammy Awards Ceremony.  It didn't happen today.

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