Thursday, December 7, 2017

I Survived My Retirement Party with Flying Colors

Yours Truly with President Joel Bloom of NJIT

I didn't realize how popular I was at NJIT until today as about 40 people came to my retirement party.  I was pleasantly surprised that President Joel Bloom stopped by as seen above.
Your truly with Provost Fadi Deek
I knew in advance that Provost Fadi Deek would also come.  The Provost is the highest academic office in a university.  The library reports to him.

In addition to the librarians, there were representatives from the departments of chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, civil engineering, humanities and the university administration.  There was a computer in the room with access to a speaker so I put on Don Tandler's Pop Gold Radio as background music.  I was guessing that there were people there who are not Bob Dylan fans.

Blake Haggerty is a big Dylan Fan
Eric Katz is another big Mets Fan
Roz Yates is a big Fan of Mine
Selenay Aytac has been my research collaborator for 3 years

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