Thursday, January 4, 2018

My First Snow Day as a Retiree

This lousy weather has made my first week as a retiree somewhat unhappy.  I was hoping to go to Manhattan to take advantage of some of the cultural offerings of NYC, but this cold weather has caused me to stay home.  Today is even worse as there is a snowstorm with 6-8 inches expected with heavy winds.  NJIT is closed today so even if I was still working I wouldn't have to travel to Newark.

Yesterday, I met Facebook friend Alan Reiman in Forest Hills for lunch.  He is a radio enthusiast and told me some anecdotes.  From there I went to my dentist for a routine cleaning.

On a snow day there is nothing to do but stay home.  I will do some reading.  I sure hope this miserable cold and snowy weather will end.

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