Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My First Volunteer Job Was a Big Disappointment

Note - I will not name any of the agencies involved here.

I did decide a long time ago, that when I retired, I wanted to do some volunteer work.  When one volunteers for a project, there is no monetary compensation, but there should be a sense of satisfaction when the task is complete.

I signed up for XXX which has assignments all over New York City in a  wide variety of endeavors.  After attending a webinar, volunteers are free to search for work in their database.  I found one opportunity in Long Island City which was Computer Preparation with YYY, an organization whose digital learning platform enables teachers to collaborate with their colleagues and enlist families as learning partners in order to truly personalize learning for students. The expression "Computer Preparation" was somewhat vague, but I thought it would involve some knowledge of software or hardware

I went to their warehouse which had hundreds of desktop computers in boxes which I assume will be distributed to schools.  All they wanted the volunteers to do was to take the  LED monitors out of the boxes and clean off the dust.  Was this job necessary as the amount of dust was minimal and would not impede the operation of the monitors?  I spent about 2 1/2 hours doing this very menial task and just couldn't wait to leave.

I would certainly never return to YYY's warehouse again as I really want to leave a volunteer job with a real sense of accomplishment.

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