Saturday, February 17, 2018

Donald "Fuzzy" Cohen New York's Greatest Sports Fan Passes Away

I read in several Twitter accounts that Fuzzy died of a heart attack yesterday.  He had to have attended thousands of games at Shea Stadium, Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden, Citi Field and other sports venues over the past 60 years,  He often took bus rides to visit teams while they were on the road.  I remember first seeing him in Section 1 of the upper deck of Shea Stadium in August 1978.  I had seen him umpteen times at the Met and Yankee games that I attended over the years.  Each arena should retire a seat in his honor.  He was featured in an article in the New York Times in 2006.



  1. I agree that every arena should have a Fuzzy seat!
    I met him long ago, the 1970's at Yankee and Shea Stadiums. I even ran into him at a Beach Boys Concert out by Coney Island and ran into him at Brooklyn Cyclones games. He was everywhere. He was fun and funny and nice and crazy, all at the same time. I will miss him

  2. Fuzzy was a legend. He made you laugh with his crazy antics. He was a harmless soul who lived for sports. Fuzzy was a one of a kind & can't be replaced. His gang consisted of Egor, Nelson, Kenny, Squeky Mike & Zorba. They were the Loonie Toones Gang.

  3. The only one of the gang who still comes to games is Mike. He always yells out when a Met pitcher strikes out a batter. We had a friend name Howie whom we dubbed "Fuzzy Jr." as he went to many games and sat with the gang.

  4. I recall him very well as we sat upstairs a lot. His gestures, mannerisms and arguments with the others he attended with and fans nearby. Nowadays, this sort of fan is commonplace but back then unusual.
