Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Best Wishes to Mike Seidman for a Full and Speedy Recovery

Bonnie Watson Pope reported on the Forest Hills High School, 1960-75, Alumni Page that Mike Seidman suffered a stroke while visiting a friend in south Florida.  He was not paralyzed but suffered a serious clot in his leg.  He underwent several surgeries and is on the road to recovery, but is still in the hospital.  I am sure that I speak for everyone in wishing a full and speedy recovery for him.

Mike and I graduated from Forest Hills High School (FHHS) in 1967.  He didn't know him very well back then but we reconnected in the late 1990s through an AOL folder of FHHS alumni.  We both joined a similar Facebook group about 10 years ago.  He and I organized a small reunion of FHHS 1967alumni that was held at Ben's Deli in Manhattan last October.  I took the photo seen above at that reunion.

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