Sunday, March 4, 2018

Please Keep Politics Out of Funding New Hudson River Tunnels for Railroads

Senator Schumer Fights
For New Yorkers

There is a desperate need for a new rail tunnel under the Hudson River as the two already there are over 100 years old and were damaged by Superstorm Sandy. Also, the number of New Jersey Transit and Amtrak trains using these tunnels has increased dramatically. There are long delays caused by problems almost every day.  This new tunnel would have been completed but 8 years ago Fatso (former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie) refused to allow its construction.

This Gateway Project was supported by the Obama administration who was willing to share the cost among New York, New Jersey, and the federal government. The "beloved" President of the United States has encouraged Republicans not to vote to fund this project.  As stated in the New York Times there is an antagonistic relationship between Trump and Senator Chuck Schumer since the Senator has blocked or delayed presidential nominations to key posts.

It is very sad that local and regional commuters are caught in the middle of a very bitter political fight.  The Gateway Project is very badly needed to ensure reliable service.  Please keep politics out of it.

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