Friday, March 9, 2018

Recent NJIT Retirees Like to Visit Art Museums - MOMA PS1

For many years I have observed the MOMA PS1 building from the #7 line by the Court Square stop, but I was never there.  Earlier this week when I visited MOMA on West 53rd Street I found out that visitors could go to MOMA PS1 for free within 14 days.  So, how could I go wrong by going there today?

Here is a list of the exhibits that I viewed:

  • Carolee Schneemann: Kinetic Painting
  • Cathy Wilkes
  • Maria Lassnig: New York Films 1970–1980
It is really a small world when I encountered Bill Reynold who also recently retired from NJIT.  He worked in Instructional Technology/Media Services.  He actually came to the museum from Randolph, NJ which got about 2 feet of snow.  I follow him on Facebook and observe that he does a lot of traveling.

Bill Reynolds

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