Thursday, March 15, 2018

So Much to See at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

I did a search of my journal and read that I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art on February 20, 2017.  Since it was just over a year since I was there, I thought it was time for a return visit.

I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but since the museum is so large it is so difficult to absorb everything observed.  There was art in many different formats and from almost every corner of the world.  I think it would really take 2 or 3 days to examine everything.  Thus my observations today was very cursory.

I was impressed by this exhibit - Thomas Cole's Journey: Atlantic Crossings.  Cole is a landscape painter who lived from 1801-1848.  The highlight of the day for me was seeing Washington' Crossing the Delaware painted by Emanuel Luetze.  My cell phone photo is below.

I found at through Facebook that my fellow recent NJIT retiree Bill Reynolds was at the Whitney Museum downtown,  Inevitably, our paths will cross at another museum.

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