Monday, April 30, 2018

I am Not Emulating Mike Francesa

For 30 years Mike Francesa was a popular sports talk host on WFAN.  His last show on the station was on December 15, 2017, after much hoopla about his "retirement".   A person retires with the intention of not working full-time again especially with the same employer.  It was just announced that Mike will be returning to WFAN tomorrow in afternoon drive time.  Was this planned or was Mike unsuccessful in obtaining another job?  The ratings at WFAN declined after he left the station so management may be eager to have him return.

December 22, 2017, was my last day as a science/engineering librarian at a university in the Garden State.  25 years at the same job was enough and it was time for me to leave.  I am not emulating Mike Francesa by returning to my former employer after 4 months.

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