Monday, July 30, 2018

3 Museums Today in Phoenix

Our first stop of the day was the Arizona Capitol Museum.  Years ago the original capital building seen above was repurposed as a museum as the state legislature and similar offices were moved to adjacent buildings.  It uses a balance of technology, hands-on activities, historical artifacts, and public programs to help visitors learn about cultural, political and social history.  There was an exhibit that demonstrated the visit of Martin Luther King to Phoenix in 1968.  Another exhibit traced the history of the Phoenix Sun basketball team that is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

Our next stop was the Phoenix Police Museum which traced the history of the local department from its inception in the 19th century to the present.  There was a large exhibit about the Miranda case which happened in Phoenix in the 1960s,  Much of the equipment used by the police was demonstrated.  Below is a photo of Lee riding on a motorcycle.

The last museum of the day was the Wells Fargo History Museum which featured:

  • An authentic 19th Century stagecoach
  • A replica stagecoach you can climb aboard
  • Interactive telegraph
  • Art gallery—the largest public display of N.C. Wyeth’s western-themed work

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