Sunday, July 15, 2018

Lee Saw Yellow Submarine for the First Time

 In 1968 I went with my friend Roy and his Dad and saw Yellow Submarine at the Fresh Meadows theater.  Some years I saw it on TV with Cousin Brucie as the host.  A few weeks ago I read about the re-release of the film in Goldmine Magazine.  Earlier this week I researched the movie in the Performing Arts Library of NYPL in Lincoln Center.  Today we went to the Kew Gardens Cinema to see it.  This version included the song Hey Bulldog which was omitted from the 1968 version,

Lee was so thrilled about seeing the movie.  When we got home he insisted on hearing the soundtrack CD again.  The music of the Beatles will never die, but "Greatest Hits" radio stations like WCBS-FM refuse to play their music which transcends the generations.

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