Saturday, August 18, 2018

Afternoon at the American Museum of Natural History

Throughout 2018 I have reported on several museum trips that I have taken by myself or with the family.  However, I have not visited the American Museum of Natural History until today. I searched in this journal and determined that my last visit was in May 2009.  Many museum exhibits are permanent while others are temporary.  It is so big that one must visit at least twice to see everything.

We started out on the 4th floor to see "Unseen Oceans" which addressed many questions at the cutting-edge of ocean research.  We also saw the Warburg Hall of New York State Environment, the Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life, the Hall of Biodiversity, and an exhibit on North American forests.  I will not wait for 9 years to visit again.

We also stopped by the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda where I took a picture of Lee with the 26th President.

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