Saturday, August 4, 2018

By the Time I got Out of Phoenix

I was booked on a Delta Airlines Flight scheduled to leave Phoenix on Friday at 10:55 AM and arrive at JFK at 7:00 PM.  I heard the day before that there had been some big thunderstorms in NYC the day before and that many flights in and out of the 3 airports were affected.  There was a tornado that touched down in College Point, just a mile from my apartment.

I left my hotel at about 8 AM and got into a taxi to the airport.  While I was in the cab I received a text message stating that my flight was delayed until 1:15 PM.  I thought I would continue on to the airport and sit around an extra 2 hours.  At 11:45 AM the airline announced that our flight was canceled.  The only alternative was to book a "redeye" flight that would leave Phoenix at 10:30 PM and arrive at JFK at about 6:30 AM.  We took that option, but it was just so boring to sit around the terminal.  All I could do was read, play with my iPhone, or walk around the terminal.  Such a situation creates anxiety as we were afraid the "redeye" could be canceled as well.

Thankfully, the flight left on time and we arrived home at about 7:15 AM.

What a day!

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