Tuesday, October 23, 2018

SABR Keeps Me Busy in Retirement

I can't spend all my time at museums, movies, and libraries, so much of my time at home is devoted to SABR (Society for American Baseball Research) specifically the Games Project.  Here are two short articles that I am submitting for the Committee's forthcoming newsletter.

The Baseball Index

The Baseball Index is an ongoing project of a SABR Committee  now chaired by Andy McCue formed to locate, identify, evaluate, classify and describe the literature of the national pastime.  Currently, it includes over 250,000 records of books, articles, book sections, and other materials and is continually updated.  At the recent Pittsburgh meeting, I offered to index SABR Games Project articles so they may be added to the database.  The database is searchable by keyword and includes the teams involved and subject terms from a controlled thesaurus assigned by the indexer.  At the end of September, I had indexed 600 games.  I hope to complete the 1178 games already posted by the end of 2018.  I would then update the database monthly with the new submissions.


Earlier this year I assumed the role of coordinator of fact-checking.  I receive the manuscripts from Len Levin after he edits them.  I do many but also distribute to the following contributors:
·         Kevin Larkin
·         Brandon Lewis
·         Tom Brown
·         Jack Zerby
·         Mike Huber
·         Sheldon Miller

I am pleased to report that only a few corrections are needed.  I thank all the SABR members who fact-check the submissions.  After the fact-checking is complete, the articles are submitted to Mike Huber who sends them to Jacob Pomrenke for posting.

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