Monday, December 17, 2018

Definitely Dylan is a Podcast for All Dylan Fans - Thanks Laura Tenschert

A few weeks ago I was listening to produced by fellow New York Met fan Pete Freckelton.  He was playing a show called Definitely Dylan hosted by Laura Tenschert from the UK seen above.  The show is heard once a week on Resonance FM from London on Sundays.  It is also posted as a podcast on with 37 episodes done to date.

I was very impressed with this show after hearing just one episode.  I started back at episode #1 from early 2018 and so far have heard about 12 shows.  As time permits I will listen to all of the shows.  Most radio shows just play the music, but don't offer commentaries about the songs.  Laura discusses in detail every Dylan song that she plays from the perspective of a young woman.  She sounds like a walking encyclopedia of Dylan who likely acquired much of her knowledge by reading.  Older people like myself have experience Dylan for over 50 years and likely have a different perspective.

Very recently I sent her an email suggesting she do a show describing the relationship between Dylan and the Beatles in the 1960s.  She followed my suggestion and produced that show.  She then said she will do a second show describing the relationship between Dylan and the individual Beatles.  I shall look forward to her discussion about the Traveling Wilburys.

Keep up the good work, Laura.  If you are reading this also thank the people behind the scenes who help you produce the show,

Here is what another Dylan fan
looks like.

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