Monday, December 31, 2018

Random Thoughts on New Years Eve

2018 was a peaceful time for me as it was my first year in retirement.  The best thing is not having to cope with bosses who flex their managerial muscles by imposing their professional interests on you.  I stayed on the same job too long, but I had the satisfaction of leaving on my terms.  I certainly don't miss my miserable commute as I have read about numerous delays on New Jersey Transit over the past year.  I am doing well financially as I did a good job of saving for the future.

I believe strongly in moving on and letting go of the past.  I am trying to forget about the bad experiences of the past.  There is much pleasure in visiting museums, going to movies, reading good books and enjoying life.

This will be entry #250 in Bruce's Journal in 2018 meaning that I post about two times every three days.  There have been over 3700 entries since I started this blog in October 2005.  I never know who is reading it and if it has an impact on anyone.

Since it is New Year's Eve, I remember that it was 50 years ago today that my date got sick and had to cancel.  When one has a good memory, there are just too many bad incidents of the past that stay in my mind.

I wish all readers of Bruce's Journal a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2019.

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