Thursday, January 31, 2019

Random Thoughts of the Day Including the Big Knick Trade.

I was going to write about my January trips to the dentist, but I don't think anyone would want to read about it.

For the first time in 4 days, I did not visit a library today.

I gave up on the Knicks a long time ago as they have won about 20% of their games.  Somehow they sell out most of their games.  I haven't bought their overpriced tickets and will not.  They just made a controversial trade with the Dallas Mavericks.  Please read the report from ESPN.  Right now I am listening to comments made of the Michael Kay Show on ESPN radio.  It seems that this trade is a big salary dump to create enough cap room to sign big free agents in the off-season.  But will they be able to attract Kevin Durant?

The Knick management has made some very bad moves in the recent past.  I have my doubts if this trade will work out in the long run.  I guess in sports risks must be made, but I absolutely no confidence in the management.

It is supposed to get warmer tomorrow.

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