Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Reading 3 More Baseball Books at the New York Public Library

The New York Public Library holds millions of books in its collection, but one must read the books in their reading room.  Today, my goal was to do "causal research" on three baseball books that I located in their catalog.  I obviously don't have the team to read the books from cover to cover, so my goal was to peruse each book and hone in on sections of interest and take a few notes.  I looked at the following books

Nowlin, B. (2008). Red Sox threads: Odds & ends from Red Sox history. Burlington, MA: Rounder Books.

I chose this book since I am acquainted prolific writer with Bill Nowlin through SABR.  This book which Bill compiled over many years tells everything and anything about the Boston Red Sox.  I must congratulate him for his tireless efforts in compiling this reference work.

The other two books generally covered the same topic.

Stein, F. (2005). A history of the baseball fan. Jefferson, NC: McFarland
Dewey, D. (2004). The 10th man: The fan in baseball history. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers.
Both authors stated that the fan gets little attention in the literature.  St. Louis Browns manager coined the term "fan" in the 1880s.  They were earlier known as kranks.  Baseball fans are somewhat older than fans of other sports. But, neither of the books considered other demographic factors among baseball fans. Obviously, baseball fans evolved over the years as the population grew and technology changed.

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