Sunday, January 13, 2019

Some Thoughts on Fast Food Restaurants

I have been to most, but not all of the restaurants seen in the photo above.  I also would not classify IHOP, Applebees, Dennys, or Olive Garden as fast food restaurants.

I remember growing up I could go into MacDonalds and get 2 hamburgers, fries, and a drink for less than a dollar.  Now a similar meal costs close to $10.  You can't fight inflation.

Over the past few years, Dunkin' Donuts has deemphasized the donuts.  I believe they are rebranding as just Dunkin's.  I like their breakfast sandwiches.  Some of their restaurants have seats, while others don't.

Noise is often a problem at fast food restaurants as they attract kids of all ages.  A few weeks ago I went to the Arby's in Fresh Meadows where most of the seats were taken by high school kids just hanging out at lunchtime and not purchasing food there.  I  like the thin sliced roast beef and the special sauce at Arby's, but I eat in and like to sit.

Over the last week, I observed twice adults bringing in outside food and taking their sweet time eating and possibly preventing a customer from sitting.  I just think the manager should enforce the no outside food rule and give a time limit for eating.

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