Sunday, April 28, 2019

Roger McGuinn at the New York Society for Ethical Culture (NYSEC)

My photo of Roger McGuinn

In September we saw Roger McGuinn at Manhattan's Town Hall as part of the Sweetheart of the Rodeo 50th anniversary tour.  He appeared there with Chris Hillman, Marty Stuart, and others to celebrate the anniversary of that seminal album.  Last night he played without a backup back at the NYSEC at 64th Street and Central Park West.

He started the show with his 12-string electric Rickenbacker guitar and sang Dylan's My Back Pages.  Throughout the show, he spoke about how his musical career developed while meeting other famous musicians.  He sang with both acoustic and electric guitars and a banjo many of the songs that he did with the Byrds and as a solo artist.  It was nice to see him at a small venue as we sat in the 7th row on the right side of the theater.  Most of the people in the audience were about my age.

I will see Roger again on June 1 at the World of Dylan Conference at the University of Tulsa.

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